Monday, August 25, 2014

Dental Care Too Expensive

Why Is Dental Care So Expensive?

Dentist Ann Arbor Presents: Dental Care Misconception #3

Hi in this video I will address the misconception that Dental Care is Expensive

The thought of visiting the dentist can be stressful for many people. By far the biggest reason I have heard, (typically from those who put off going until they’re in serious pain) is the cost.

Like any other service, there are many aspects that play a part in the cost of dentistry including having or not having insurance, treatment alternative options, and availability of payment plans, to mention a few.

But here’s an unavoidable fact: Cavities and gum disease are not going to go away or heal themselves and not taking action TODAY will only make for a more painful AND expensive experience down the road.

To protect yourself:

- Practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily

- See Dentist every 6 Months for examinations and cleanings

- Before allowing a dentist to treat you be sure to have them discuss all of your options and fees and request a written quote. Verify that the written quote includes every procedure that you are expected to pay for including x-rays and the initial examination.

Bottom line - Making your dental health a priority today will be more affordable than paying the price for procrastination tomorrow!

I hope you enjoyed this video explanation... if so like it and share it! I'll see you in the next video Misconception #4: The dentist with an ad is the best choice. Thanks for sharing.

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