Sunday, August 31, 2014

Expensive Dental Treatments

Long Term Dental Care Is Too Much Money

Hi in this video I'll address dental misconception #6, Dental Long Term Expensive Treatment Plans

Some people fear Dentists will Lock You Into Long Term, Expensive Treatment Plans

While bi-annual visits are recommended to keep your oral health in tip top shape and to catch any beginning stages of disease, by no means does this mean a, weekly or even monthly trip to the dentist’s chair is required to treat your specific condition(s).

If you are concerned about being pressured into long term, expensive treatment plans protect yourself with these three tips:

- Finding a good dentist that you can trust. (bullet point: Find a Trustworthy Dentist)

- Having your dentist discuss all of your options and fees and follow up with a request for a written quote. (bullet Point: Request a Written Quote)

- Asking your dentist to show you what is wrong using x-rays or mirror and explain to you why recommended procedures should be done, how they will be done and if there are any viable or more affordable alternatives. (bullet point: Review your X-rays)

That wraps up the six common misconceptions about dental care. Being informed helps patients separate fact from fiction when it comes to dental care. By watching the six videos, you have made a decision to educate yourself and have taken one step closer to a healthy smile that you can be proud of.

Don’t let this be the end of the road, but rather the beginning… Like, Share and subscribe to this video channel we will upload more insightful dental care tips in the near future.

*If you have a burning question you want answered send a text message with your first name, email address and question to 734-607-1772. A representative with Dentist Ann Arbor will reply with in 24 hours. Thanks for liking, sharing, subscribing and sending us your question.

Friday, August 29, 2014

My Tooth Hurts

My Teeth Hurt From The Dentist

I hate to go to the dentist for it makes my teeth hurt. Has this happened to you? 

The general public believes Dental Procedures and Treatments are Painful. This is the number one reason that millions of people avoid going to the dentist.

The truth is that too many people wait until they are in agonizing pain before breaking down and dragging themselves into the dentist’s chair.

And all for nothing because majority of the time they’re walking out the door feeling dramatic relief from the pain within hours, even minutes.

For the most part the nightmare of a barbaric dentist is a thing of the past. Medicine and technology have come a long way in allowing for proper pain management that promote nothing more than a feeling of pressure while undergoing treatment and some brief soreness afterwards. Even invasive procedures are often times pain free!

Read more by downloading our free dental care consumers guide. Visit Dentist Ann Arbor!

Dental Mistake #4 In Selecting A Dentist

Hey, are you looking for help to find the right dentist for yourself and family? We uploaded a new iTunes video and audio podcast. You will learn how to avoid the fourth dental mistake most people do when selecting a dentist.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How To Select A Dentist

Choose The Dentist With The Discount Ad

At Dentist Ann Arbor we believe the dentist with the discount ad will probable be ok, but... it could be a trap.


  1.  A low price can be the bait that attracts your phone call only to be pressured into a much more expensive procedure. 
  2. Low price often equals the bare minimum service. This means that you’ll be facing hidden fees that push extensive treatment programs using your pain and lack of information against you.
  3. Low price means you may not get the service you need to meet your needs… without paying a higher fee. Beware of the offer of "two for the price of one" visits!

Did you download our free Dental Care Consumer's Guide? If not you can do so at
Where you able to watch our recently upload podcast episode? Is it helpful? If not, why? 53fb7364fa927b172ddd6f0b
Where you able to watch our recently upload podcast episode? Is it helpful? If not, why?
Where you able to watch our recently upload podcast episode? Is it helpful? If not, why?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Where you able to watch our recently upload podcast episode? Is it helpful? If not, why?
Where you able to watch our recently upload podcast episode? Is it helpful? If not, why?
Where you able to watch our recently upload podcast episode? Is it helpful? If not, why?

Monday, August 25, 2014

Dental Care Too Expensive

Why Is Dental Care So Expensive?

Dentist Ann Arbor Presents: Dental Care Misconception #3

Hi in this video I will address the misconception that Dental Care is Expensive

The thought of visiting the dentist can be stressful for many people. By far the biggest reason I have heard, (typically from those who put off going until they’re in serious pain) is the cost.

Like any other service, there are many aspects that play a part in the cost of dentistry including having or not having insurance, treatment alternative options, and availability of payment plans, to mention a few.

But here’s an unavoidable fact: Cavities and gum disease are not going to go away or heal themselves and not taking action TODAY will only make for a more painful AND expensive experience down the road.

To protect yourself:

- Practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily

- See Dentist every 6 Months for examinations and cleanings

- Before allowing a dentist to treat you be sure to have them discuss all of your options and fees and request a written quote. Verify that the written quote includes every procedure that you are expected to pay for including x-rays and the initial examination.

Bottom line - Making your dental health a priority today will be more affordable than paying the price for procrastination tomorrow!

I hope you enjoyed this video explanation... if so like it and share it! I'll see you in the next video Misconception #4: The dentist with an ad is the best choice. Thanks for sharing.

If you can't wait to watch the next video, visit our website,

Are you looking for a new dentist in Ann Arbor?

Do you want help in selecting the right dentist for you in Ann Arbor, Michigan? Then watch this recently uploaded iTunes Podcast Episode.
Did you watch the recently uploaded iTunes podcast on the #3 dental mistake in selecting a dentist in Ann Arbor? Was it helpful?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Did you watch the recently uploaded iTunes podcast on the #3 dental mistake in selecting a dentist in Ann Arbor? Was it helpful?
Did you watch the recently uploaded iTunes podcast on the #3 dental mistake in selecting a dentist in Ann Arbor? Was it helpful?
Did you watch the recently uploaded iTunes podcast on the #3 dental mistake in selecting a dentist in Ann Arbor? Was it helpful?

Are you looking for a dentist in Ann Arbor?

Do you need to find a dentist in Ann Arbor, Michigan? Do you want a little guidance? We created an new video and audio file for you. Watch it. It covers the third dental mistake consumers make when selecting a dentist.

Dental Mistake #3 In Selecting A Dentist in Ann Arbor

Are you looking for help and guidance to find the right dentist for yourself and family? We recently uploaded a new audio and video podcast episode on iTunes. You'll learn how to avoid the third mistake most people make when selecting a dentist.

Are you in need of a dentist in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Do you need help in finding the right dentist in Ann Arbor, Michigan? We created a new iTunes Podcast episode to help you.
Did you watch the recently uploaded iTunes podcast on the #3 dental mistake in selecting a dentist in Ann Arbor? Was it helpful?

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Dental Care Misconception

Are All Dentists The Same?

Not true. In fact every dentist you meet will have different skill levels, different treatment preferences, and different business practices.

If you have had a bad experience in the past, don’t write off the value of dental care or the dream of achieving a healthy smile that you can be proud of.

Do your homework to find a reputable, courteous dentist who is respectful and will discuss the treatment options available for your specific condition while taking into account your specific needs and requirements such as monetary concerns or fear and anxiety.

For more myth busting on dental care and dentist, visit Dentist Ann Arbor.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Dental Mistake #2 In Selecting an Ann Arbor Dentist

We just uploaded another podcast episode on Dentist Ann Arbor. Check it out and let us know what you think. Please be honest.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Visiting a dentist

When Should You Visit A Dentist?

Fact or fiction? The only time you need to worry about visiting a dentist is when you have a tooth ache.

The answer => FICTION

You likely already knew that, but here’s some often overlooked insight…

The truth is that if you wait until you’re experiencing pain or discomfort before you visit a dentist, you’ll find yourself spending a larger portion of your hard earned money to treat a more serious condition that could have been prevented.

The #1 secret to a healthy mouth is disease prevention, which includes regular brushing, flossing and bi-annual examinations and cleanings with a dentist.

Regular examinations two times a year can help detect and treat beginning signs of gum disease, loss of enamel and tooth decay (cavities) without an expensive procedure that comes along with severe or prolonged dental conditions.

I hope you enjoyed this video explanation... if so like it and share it!

For more dental care videos visit Dentist Ann Arbor.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dentist Ann Arbor

Dentist Ann Arbor - Dental Misconceptions Introduction

Hi Dentist Ann Arbor wants to help you realize a healthy, bright smile that you can be proud of so today I want to give you seven free gifts just for dropping by.  I’m literally letting the cat out of the bag and revealing the truth about six common misconceptions surrounding dental care and tips for finding an ethical and affordable dentist that has your best interests in mind. 

If you’re feeling…

  • Confused about choosing a dental team that’s right for you and that you could make an informed decision if you only knew more about what questions you should be asking during the selection process…OR
  • Frustrated with the lack of information you get from your dentist and worried about the high price of treatment… AND
  • Afraid that you will have to live with poor dental health because you cannot find an affordable dentist that you trust

This video is PERFECT for you and I want you to rest assured that you’re not alone.  

That’s why, in the name of dental wellness I want you to watch this video along with six more videos that’s jam-packed with powerful, yet little-known facts that can keep smart dental patients - just like you- from falling for common myths and mistakes. 

But that’s not all… I also have a valuable Consumer Awareness Guide that is yours FREE when you enter your information in the form on this website. At no cost, you can discover insider secrets to finding a great dentist, plus helpful tips and insights including:

  • Effective steps to achieve good dental hygiene 
  • Common deceptions and mistakes to avoid when seeking family dentistry 
  • The truth about common misconceptions surrounding dental care that may be keeping you from the healthy smile you desire
  • How to find an Ann Arbor dentist or Washtenaw County dental office that provides ethical and affordable dental care
  • Tips to obtain affordable dental care by avoiding unnecessary treatments that could otherwise increase your dental care costs

To be 100% clear, there is no cost or obligation to you to receive the six FREE videos and Consumer Awareness Guide. 

I simply want to help as many people in the Ann Arbor community as I can and that’s why right now, as promised, I’m going to share the top six misconceptions about dental care, to help you stay completely informed of the facts and benefits of receiving dental health care and practicing good oral hygiene as soon as you complete the form at