Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Dentist Ann Arbor - Dental Mistake #5

Are you looking for help to find the right dentist for yourself and family? We recently uploaded a new iTunes video and audio podcast. You will learn how to avoid the fifth dental mistake most people do when selecting a dentist.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Expensive Dental Treatments

Long Term Dental Care Is Too Much Money

Hi in this video I'll address dental misconception #6, Dental Long Term Expensive Treatment Plans

Some people fear Dentists will Lock You Into Long Term, Expensive Treatment Plans

While bi-annual visits are recommended to keep your oral health in tip top shape and to catch any beginning stages of disease, by no means does this mean a, weekly or even monthly trip to the dentist’s chair is required to treat your specific condition(s).

If you are concerned about being pressured into long term, expensive treatment plans protect yourself with these three tips:

- Finding a good dentist that you can trust. (bullet point: Find a Trustworthy Dentist)

- Having your dentist discuss all of your options and fees and follow up with a request for a written quote. (bullet Point: Request a Written Quote)

- Asking your dentist to show you what is wrong using x-rays or mirror and explain to you why recommended procedures should be done, how they will be done and if there are any viable or more affordable alternatives. (bullet point: Review your X-rays)

That wraps up the six common misconceptions about dental care. Being informed helps patients separate fact from fiction when it comes to dental care. By watching the six videos, you have made a decision to educate yourself and have taken one step closer to a healthy smile that you can be proud of.

Don’t let this be the end of the road, but rather the beginning… Like, Share and subscribe to this video channel we will upload more insightful dental care tips in the near future.

*If you have a burning question you want answered send a text message with your first name, email address and question to 734-607-1772. A representative with Dentist Ann Arbor will reply with in 24 hours. Thanks for liking, sharing, subscribing and sending us your question.

Friday, August 29, 2014

My Tooth Hurts

My Teeth Hurt From The Dentist

I hate to go to the dentist for it makes my teeth hurt. Has this happened to you? 

The general public believes Dental Procedures and Treatments are Painful. This is the number one reason that millions of people avoid going to the dentist.

The truth is that too many people wait until they are in agonizing pain before breaking down and dragging themselves into the dentist’s chair.

And all for nothing because majority of the time they’re walking out the door feeling dramatic relief from the pain within hours, even minutes.

For the most part the nightmare of a barbaric dentist is a thing of the past. Medicine and technology have come a long way in allowing for proper pain management that promote nothing more than a feeling of pressure while undergoing treatment and some brief soreness afterwards. Even invasive procedures are often times pain free!

Read more by downloading our free dental care consumers guide. Visit Dentist Ann Arbor!

Dental Mistake #4 In Selecting A Dentist

Hey, are you looking for help to find the right dentist for yourself and family? We uploaded a new iTunes video and audio podcast. You will learn how to avoid the fourth dental mistake most people do when selecting a dentist.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How To Select A Dentist

Choose The Dentist With The Discount Ad

At Dentist Ann Arbor we believe the dentist with the discount ad will probable be ok, but... it could be a trap.


  1.  A low price can be the bait that attracts your phone call only to be pressured into a much more expensive procedure. 
  2. Low price often equals the bare minimum service. This means that you’ll be facing hidden fees that push extensive treatment programs using your pain and lack of information against you.
  3. Low price means you may not get the service you need to meet your needs… without paying a higher fee. Beware of the offer of "two for the price of one" visits!

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Where you able to watch our recently upload podcast episode? Is it helpful? If not, why?